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Started by Sudha, 06 Jan 2006 09:24:40 AM

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Hello All,
Its a Rolling 12Months Reports and I'm attempting to do this in a CrossTab which has 3 measures out of which one comes from the DM where as the rest two are Calculated fields like percentages. My ultimate goal is to achieve Top 10's Percentages.
See here the main problem is when I do a Top 10 against the Revenue$ I get results but if I apply the same logic to Percentage I don't.
When I check the Tabular Data Rank% field which I apply gives Rank 1 to almost all the data.
Can any one help me how to achieve Top10%'s (where in % being a calculated field)
Database used is Oracle.
CRN Ver 1.1
Thanks in Advance


Try multiplying your percentage field by 100 and performing your rank on that ([percent]*100).

RS probably sees the numbers as less than 1 and there's very little difference between them.

Just a suggestion.  Keep us posted.


I had to struggle but ultimately got the Top10%'s ...but right now I have another one,

The Invoice months on my cross tab comes out as Numerics like 1, 2, 3....Etc.,
I wrote this small code to Display Jan for 1, Feb for 2, Mar for 3 ...Etc., but after I add this QueryItem(Cal) on to the CrossTab and cut the Month Query Item comming out of the DM, My months won't display in the Order I want.
I want them to display from Jan, Feb ...Dec.

Measures taken before I cut the Month QueryItem I'm sorting that Ascending.

Please Advice


Is it possible that you are deleting the query item you'd like to sort on when you cut it?

If your Tools->Options->Delete unreferenced query objects check box is checked, it may be deleting it from the query.


So what's the workaround for this, as u said when I checked my options the Checkbox beside Delete unreferenced query objects was checked and and I have redone the steps before cut and unchecked the checkbox and saved and ran the Report....

Even after all this it doesn't show the desired results

Please advice


Sorry, but I don't have a clear picture of your report: 

Can you see something that is taking sort precedence?

Is the calculated field used as a column header? 

If you run the report after creating your calculation without cutting the numeric month field, it gives you the order you want?


Can you see something that is taking sort precedence?
I don't know exactly what you mean by this

Is the calculated field used as a column header?Ã, 

If you run the report after creating your calculation without cutting the numeric month field, it gives you the order you want?
You are absolutely right, without cutting everything seems to be ordered but when I cut the Numeric Month field and just keep the Cal. field it messes...


As far as precedence, I was wondering if something else was being sorted in the output.

Instead of cutting the numeric date field, you could highlight the field and change its query item property to point to the calculation you created. 

If you look at the levels in your query, you'll be able to see how the levels and items are being shuffled when you cut or add fields. 

Here's a Go Sales and Retailers report that does what I think you're after.


This worked we can close this Issue.
I really appreciate your help Joe. If any one has a question how this was resolved I did exactly what Joe suggested.

Thanks to all Gurus