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Extracting Catalog Data out of Cognos Data Manager / SDK???

Started by one_sun, 26 Jan 2010 08:41:29 AM

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We are running a data warehouse and have Cognos Data Manager 8.1 only.

Is there any way to extract information about Connections, SQL-statements, FactBuild-Names, Tables and Databases out of Cognos?
We searched for a possible solution within the Cognos SDK, we searched in the Catalog-Databases, but all in all we were not successful.

In the exported package there are indeed those information we are looking for, but in a format that we would have to write a parser for, and that seems to be a bit too complicated...

So, does anyone know a way to do this?
Thanks for your help!



Have you investigated the File -> Document Catalog feature, which creates an HTML document covering all your catalog metadata? Alternatively, take a look at the documentation for the CATLIST and CATEXP commands on the command line.  CATEXP may provide what you are looking for.




Thank you for your quick reply!
We´ll take a look at the html-doku and CATLIST/CATEXP and provide you with a feedback.