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Opening a new Report in POPup Without asking for Login Credentails

Started by kalyan_sekhar1, 20 Nov 2005 09:12:53 AM

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Hi All,

I am having scenario where i need to call the report in popup window with out asking for authentication, so i am using the below code to achieve that. But if i click the submit button before the active timeout expires i am getting the error as "The user is already authenticated in the namespace 'MMDP'. How do i avoid this, when ever i click on a buttton it has to open the report without asking for login credentials in the pop-up window ?




<script language="JavaScript">


function cc()

alert("i am in cc");
bctest = document.cookie.indexOf('cam_passport');

bctest1 = document.cookie;



if (document.cookie.indexOf('cam_passport') == -1)


alert("No Passport");

document.form2.h_CAM_action.value ="logonAs"

} else {

alert("else Passport!");

document.form2.h_CAM_action.value =""



function xx()
alert("i am in xx");

bctest = document.cookie.indexOf('cam_passport');

bctest1 = document.cookie;



if (document.cookie.indexOf('cam_passport') == -1)


alert("No Passport");

document.form2.h_CAM_action.value ="logonAs"

} else {

alert("else Passport!");

document.form2.h_CAM_action.value =""

// -->



<body onload="cc()">

<form name ="input" method="GET" action="" id=form2 name=form2 target="mainFrame">

<input type="text" name="CAMUsername" value="desp">

<input type="text" name="CAMPassword" value="desp234">

<input type="text" name="h_CAM_action" value="false">

<input type="text" name="CAMNamespace" value="AMDAP" value="AMDAP">

<input type="text" name="b_action" value="xts.run">

<input type="text" name="m" value="portal/cc.xts">

<input type="text" name="m_tab" value="p">

<input type="text" name="m_path" value="/content/package[@name='MPP']">

Type your first name:

<input type="text" username="Username" value="skumar" size="20">

Type your last name:

<input type="text" password="Password" value="sunil234" size="20">

<input type="submit" value="Submit" >



If you click the "Submit" button, you will go into reportnet folders.



