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report performance is bad in multiserver and better in single server

Started by UseCog, 21 May 2009 09:25:26 AM

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We have a couple of reports created on a power play cube on LIVE environment and the performance of those reports are bad. This is a multi server environment with 2 load balancing servers, 1 dedicated CM, 3 report servers. But the same report runs faster in a single server environment againt same cuve and its processor and CPU is less powerfull than the LIVE.

This is reallly making a headache and can any body suggest some ways for truble shooting here




In both cases,the cube stored in a seperate server. I have created the packge to the same location from both live and test server for testing


Could you run a test to rule out network traffic, and place the cube on the harddrive of both the test and production servers and recompare results?



Thanks  smiley and dutchcogtechie for your suggestions.

I have done a test to check the n/w traffic by bringing down the standby contentmamager and all other despatcher servers in LIVE environment. Then i have tested and the performance was brilliant.

this looks to be a a n/w issue and i will ask n/w team to investigate. But is there any chance that the cognos' load balancing system solws down the performance. Any way to check? can any log file gives the time taken for each process when we submit the report run request.


You should bring down all app servers and then test the report against the cube by bringing one app server up at a time. Most probably the report request is being directed to one "bad" app server which is slowing things down.