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how to hide ‘ include a link to report ' when schedule a report delivery by mail

Started by mc09, 21 May 2009 07:53:20 AM

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just like hide mail attachment we can put the codes below in system.xml
<param name="ui_hide">

how can i hide the link or disable the link check-box?


This is possible but tricky.

First, there is no simple hide flag that you can add to the system.xml, you'll need to modify the email_options.xts file. Second, you'll also need to remove the portal.jar file. I recommend renaming it to portal.jar.bak. The portal.jar is an archive of many of the xts and xml files. Modifying email_options.xts won't have any effect unless you remove the jar.

Files to modify:

If you want to disable it for everyone look for the following section
<xsl:if test="(key('business-rules','allowLinkToReport')='true') or (key('business-rules','allowEmailAsAttachment')='true' or key('env-param','m_ro_emailAsAttachment')='true')">
<lyt:layout style="1">
<xsl:if test="key('business-rules','allowLinkToReport')='true'">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_ro_emailAsURL" value="true">
<xsl:if test="key('env-param','m_ro_emailAsURL')='true'">
<xsl:attribute name="checked">checked</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:when test="key('request-param','objectClass')='jobDefinition'">

Modify it to:
<xsl:if test="(key('business-rules','allowLinkToReport')='true') or (key('business-rules','allowEmailAsAttachment')='true' or key('env-param','m_ro_emailAsAttachment')='true')">
<lyt:layout style="1">
<!--<xsl:if test="key('business-rules','allowLinkToReport')='true'">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_ro_emailAsURL" value="true">
<xsl:if test="key('env-param','m_ro_emailAsURL')='true'">
<xsl:attribute name="checked">checked</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:when test="key('request-param','objectClass')='jobDefinition'">

Notice the <!-- and -->.

Now for caveats. This works on 8.4. Modifying the internals can prevent Cognos from loading at all. Always make a backup of every file you modify, and make a changelog so you can redo the changes whenever you upgrade or reinstall.


hi PaulM, thanks for your help.
i found another way to solve it while my scenario is cognos 8.3. i believe there is a little different in email_options.xts.
under cognos 8.3 , we can modify the file email_interface.xml


PaulM, do you know what's the name for portal.jar file on cognos 8.3?


I'm sorry, I haven't had the opportunity to explore a 8.3 installation.


I just recently did this:

Stop the Cognos 8 service

Open the c8_location/templates/ps/portal
/system.xml file in an XML or text editor.
Add the following XML code to the <system> element:
<param name="ui_hide">

If you hide other user interface elements by modifying the system.xml file , the <param name="ui_hide"> element already exists. In this case, add the following to the element:

Save the file.

Start the Cognos 8