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Error in rolling forward balances at Investment Elimination Contribution Level

Started by sneha1110, 26 Jul 2018 06:15:28 AM

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I am trying to reconcile period end closing / opening balances at REPO ELIM level which is the Closing Contribution Version that includes the investment register entries (automatic journal types for investment elimination).

I notice that the balance in a P&L account that is impacted by an entry in the investment register is not rolling forward correctly to the Opening Reserves account in the next period for a few entities but seems to work for most other entities.
The entities belong to the same group and are similar in structure.

I checked the Original Closing balance and opening balance (without any adjustments) for this account under Adjust Opening Balance for Automatic Journals in Special Utilities and see the correct amount being rolled forward. But the trial balance and other Controller reports show a different amount in the Brought forward reserves account and the difference is equal to the amount in the P&L account in the particular investment register entry.

I have enabled Roll OB Values in Define Automatic Journals for automatic journals impacted by this entry but it does not seem to do anything.
Appreciate your inputs on this issue and possible solutions.
