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Calculated Time Periods using DMR Time Dimension

Started by ukflix, 18 Oct 2017 08:08:24 AM

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I created a DMR Time Dimension and wanted to add some time period for things like current week, prior week etc...  To get Current Day I constructed a string for the MUN of the current day and used this in a parameter map.  This allowed me to create a Calculation like this (to get the member)

name     =  [myPackage].[Current_Day]
function  = #$Current_Day_MUN{'myIndex'}#

This works perfect, so I decided to create a Current Week calculation using Anscestor.

ancestor ( [myPackage].[Current_Day]   ,[myPackage].[Fiscal_Time].[Fiscal_Calendar].[Fiscal_Week]  )

When I test this I get the member of the current week. So far so good.

However, when I put the Current_Week calculation as a column I only see the value for the current day.  I know there are other values for other days within this week but I don't know why they are not being included.  Anyone else had a similar experience please?

Many thanks!


What columns do you have in the output? Current Week and the Day level? If you have Current Week, and Current Day in the query I'd expect that single row.


Hi CognosPaul and thanks for replying.

Yes for the columns I have [myPackage].[Current_Day] & [myPackage].[Current_Week] side by side.
I have a value in the measures and something like currency, customer or  product for the rows.

What I want is to show the value for the current week next to the value for today.  When I test the MUN in Framework Manager it gives me the member for the week (ie Week 42 2017) so I don't understand why I don't see the value for the week.  The MDX reads fine in theory (as if it were pointing to a SSAS).  Do you know what I can do to create the Current Time Periods (and last/prior etc) based purely on one MUN which has today please?

One thing I could do is just generate all of the MUNS in a Data Item and create a Parameter Map for each of them but I wanted to avoid doing this if possible.

Any help is appreciated, thanks for looking.



Is this a crosstab?

So you have something like:

MEASURE  |  Current Week  | Current Day
Products |    1234        |    1234

In that case I would expect to see both columns. Can you post the report XML?


Hi CognosPaul

Yes indeed it is a crosstab layed out exactly like you say.  Here is the XML.
FYI if I create the Current Week Member calculation using a MUN defined in a data item, I can then create the report and see the correct values in each column.  However, going forward, I want to try and avoid this because I have about 50 of these time periods to create plus I also want to try and feed in a selected day so that the periods become dynamic and not just based on today.  Basically trying to mimic the functionality that I have in my OLAP cube but using a DMR time dimension.  The first step is to be able to feed in a current day and produce the other levels (weeks/months/quarters etc) from this.  I was trying using "ancestor".

Thanks for looking


<report xmlns="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/12.0/" useStyleVersion="10" expressionLocale="en">
            <modelPath>/content/folder[@name='Packages']/folder[@name='Development']/package[@name='2 Views - Time Calculations']/model[@name='model']</modelPath>
            <drillBehavior modelBasedDrillThru="true"/>
               <query name="Query1">
                  <selection><dataItem name="Amount_in_Local_Currency" aggregate="total"><expression>[presentation].[Fact AP].[Amount_in_Local_Currency]</expression><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataType" value="2" output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataUsage" value="fact" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></dataItem><dataItem name="Current_Day_BOD" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>[presentation].[Current_Day_BOD]</expression><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataUsage" value="unknown" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></dataItem><dataItem name="Current_Week_BOD" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>[presentation].[Current_Week_BOD]</expression><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataUsage" value="unknown" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></dataItem><dataItem name="Currency_Code" aggregate="none" rollupAggregate="none"><expression>[presentation].[Currency].[Currency_Code]</expression><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataType" value="3" output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="RS_dataUsage" value="attribute" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></dataItem></selection>
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                                 <crosstabCorner><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="xm"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemLabel refDataItem="Amount_in_Local_Currency"/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabCorner>
                                                   <staticValue>No Data Available</staticValue>
                                                   <CSS value="padding:10px 18px;"/>
                                       <defaultStyle refStyle="xt"/>
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                              <defaultMeasure refDataItem="Amount_in_Local_Currency"/><crosstabFactCell><contents><textItem><dataSource><cellValue/></dataSource></textItem></contents><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="mv"/></defaultStyles></style></crosstabFactCell><crosstabColumns><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Current_Week_BOD" edgeLocation="e2"><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="ml"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Current_Day_BOD" edgeLocation="e1"><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="ml"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabColumns><crosstabRows><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Currency_Code" edgeLocation="e3"><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="ml"/></defaultStyles></style><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabRows></crosstab>
                              <block><style><defaultStyles><defaultStyle refStyle="ta"/></defaultStyles></style>
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         <XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_CreateExtendedDataItems" value="true" output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="listSeparator" value="," output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="RS_modelModificationTime" value="2017-10-19T18:38:02.587Z" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></report>


it certainly looks right.

What happens if you do parent([presentation].[Current_Day_BOD]) instead of [presentation].[Current_Week_BOD]? If you put in the mun directly into the data item?


Hi CognosPaul

If I directly put the MUN inside the calculation I get the same behaviour.  Seems I cannot get the parent or ancestor of a MUN if there is no data for it.  For example

parent([Week 42 2017]) gives me the October value as there is a value for Week 42
parent([Week 43 2017]) this returns nothing even though the Month is still October because there is no data for Week 43



Is there any form of suppression going on? Are you possibly mixing relational and DMR data items?


The package is Relational but we created a DMR Time Dimension to give us a Fiscal Calendar.  We hoped to use the dimensional functions to build time calculations for Current, Prior etc...  for Days, Weeks, Months etc...
Reason is for year-on-year comparison reports where users do not have to change the date filters every week/month.

So the rows and measure are coming straight from the Star Schema, but the Columns are coming from the DMR Time Dimension.  The dimension is created from a table that is part of the main star schema.


That is probably what is causing it. In general the best practice is to have a full DMR model, mixing and matching would generally return a warning.

Try using the override dimensional data. Drag in the data items and try that.