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Is it possible for a Cognos Extension to override the Recents on the Welcome...

Started by Bluefyre, 06 Oct 2017 03:00:15 PM

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...page in 11.0.7? On our Recents for our existing reports sometimes the title for the Recent shows the type (Report, Data Set, Dashboard) and sometimes it shows the screen tip for the report. Unless I am missing something it is random on which it shows. Don't know if it is just a bug or what. I want to see if I can create an extension to make sure it only always shows type and not the screen tip.

Any ideas?


What version are you on? I'm on 6 and was told it was real buggy.


I am on 6.

I am attempting to find others who are writing json/html/javascript/css to try and customize the current "glass" item. I am guessing at what I'm doing. Some of which I have right.

To get rid of the Recent item from the Navigation bar, you have a couple of choices. Basically either use a spec.json to remove the mruSlideout or just remove the item itself. That's what I did. Here is the spec.json code snippet:

      {   "id": "sample.home.exclude.mruSlideout",
         "comment": "Removes the Recent item from the navbar."

HTH, and if you find any one using these extensions please let me know.



I don't want to remove the Recents. I want to be able to add it to my custom Welcome page view and have more control over it.

There is an unfortunate lack of documentation.

Maybe just not possible just yet.


The welcome page is actually static HTML with a lot of JS working on it. \Cognos\webcontent\bi\js\cahome\lib\@waca\bahome\public\js\bahome\views\templates\HomeView.html appears to be the file that controls the page, but I haven't had much luck modifying the JS. Still working on it.