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List Breaking Rows and Showing the Title of the Columns for Each Row

Started by gosoccer, 11 Sep 2017 03:21:50 PM

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Hi  :) :)

The list that I have created has five columns. Every time I establish the Sectioning by using the Section from the menu bar, the report forces the listing
to repeatedly show the title for each column instead of simply show the values and only one title for the column listing.

Even after I take the Section off or Unsection the content, still repeats the Title for each Column per each Row.

Please help if you can...

Please see attached


Did you try creating a new list and see if the problem still exists? Another option is to use pagenumber to render the headers only in the first page or using the running-count([CAR ID])>1 that you are sectioning on and using it in the conditional styles and box type none to the headers.
Good luck
New guy


Yeah! if I create a new list, the problem goes away. Unfortunately, I have to show the Listing based on the Breakdown of the
CAR TYPE:BENZ. So, in this case, using Sectioning seems to be the way to go but it's repeating the Column Titles. Let me try the approach you are mentioning for "Another option is to use pagenumber to render the headers only in the first page? I'm not followoing the other approach.

God, I thought this would have been an easier approach.

May be establishing a Master-Detail relationship with Master the List showing only Benz Type and Detail being the rest of the listing would do the trick..

thanks for your time