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Report security by Query Filters -> how to avoid package publishing

Started by lincoln35, 11 Jul 2017 11:25:39 AM

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I am working on the security concept for our reports. The group of people is supposed to be able to login to cognos and open available reports, but depending on the security settings this users are supposed to see data for the certain country(ies) only. We are working with Active Directory groups.

Was investigating few options like parameter maps, etc., but so far think that the following is the easiest:
1. Create a table with GROUP_NAME, COUNTRY_ID
2. Assign users to groups.
3. In the query in FM with the security table apply following filter: [ModelView].[SEC_SECURITY_BY_COUNTRY].[USER_GROUP] IN (#CSVIdentityNameList()#)

As the result whenever new user is added to the group nothing needs to be done. The user automatically can see these countries which are assigned to this group.

But... When I adjust the table and i.e. add a new entry with values ('GROUP_ABC', 14) where 14 is country id such update has no effect on data visibility for users of GROUP_ABC. At not until the package is published again.

This is confusing (at least to me :)) as when fact table is filled with new data then of course this data is immediatable visible in the reporting...

So the question is: is there a way to achieve what I try to achieve with the described procedure and be able to update the security table or groups without republishing all affected packages? At the moment I'm half way through as changing users within groups is not a problem. Just this update to security table...

Any ideas?

Best regards



Just an update: actually seems to work. Looks like my mistake in the testing procedure. So seems like a easy security concept not requiring any package publishing.
