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One Single Report Crosst CallingDifferent Drill Throughs in Report Author 10.2.1

Started by gosoccer, 02 Nov 2015 09:37:17 AM

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Hi everyone, :)

I have a non-cube but DMR report.

I have a single Crosstab but based on every slicing of data (The Intersection) I have to run a different report that
is specifically based on the the Column Coordinate of the Crosstab. So, the user selects a value from the Crosstab
Intersection, and based on the Column Coordinate, a drill-though to a different reports needs to be generated.

I'm thinking that there should be a way to do this by using the Intersection Cell Value/Member Set.

I know about calling a report that has all the Report included and use Block-Conditional variable to run the correct Report but
I'm curious if the Intersection Cell Value/Member Set can be used for this purpose so based on some condition, we can send
the Drill-through call to a different Report.

Please help if you can.

Thx so much. 8) 8)



Quote from: gosoccer on 02 Nov 2015 09:37:17 AM
Hi everyone, :)

I have a non-cube but DMR report.

I have a single Crosstab but based on every slicing of data (The Intersection) I have to run a different report that
is specifically based on the the Column Coordinate of the Crosstab. So, the user selects a value from the Crosstab
Intersection, and based on the Column Coordinate, a drill-though to a different reports needs to be generated.

I'm thinking that there should be a way to do this by using the Intersection Cell Value/Member Set.

I know about calling a report that has all the Report included and use Block-Conditional variable to run the correct Report but
I'm curious if the Intersection Cell Value/Member Set can be used for this purpose so based on some condition, we can send
the Drill-through call to a different Report.

Please help if you can.

Thx so much. 8) 8)

Not sure if others may have better solutions, but here is an option to consider:

1) Unlock the report and copy/paste your <#1234#> measure so that you have four of them within the crosstab intersection. You would see <#1234#><#1234#><#1234#><#1234#> in the intersection.

2) Set the drill through definition on the first one to reference your Benz report.

3) Create a new advanced conditional style Benz.
- Add an expression that would evaluate to true for the Benz column. Perhaps something like this:
[Query1].[Car Type] = 'BENZ'
- Leave the style as the default for this condition. 
- Click the pencil next to Remaining values (including future values) and set the box type none.

4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining measures within the intersection, using a Jag expression for the second, BMW for the third, and VW for the fourth.

When you run the report you should only get the measure with the Benz drill through appearing in the Benz column, only the measure with the Jag drill through appearing in the Jag column, etc.


Thx so much Lynn. I'll try your suggestion in a couple of hours after getting some sleep. Thx