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Display a report or dashboard when the user logs into Windows everyday

Started by cognovice, 28 Sep 2015 08:57:10 PM

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Could any one please advise how to display a Cognos report or a dashboard every morning as soon as the user logs into Windows.  This is so that all sales reps get to see the snapshot everyday without forcing them to run a report or a dashboard. 

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Francis aka khayman

none that i can think of. but sounds like you need to get tough and draw the line for your users. otherwise, next time they will ask you to display the report without logging in the PCs.


One thing that every user does is to check his e-mails and that's one of first things everyone does. Cognos has the ability to deliver the reports on e-mails and this is a widely used feature in many companies. I, personally, would like every user to go into Cognos to run the report but I also know that's never going to happen, especially with the executives  :)


Do you use Single Sign on?

If the user is not forced to enter their log in information you could create an Icon on their desktops that is the URL to their report.
You can then add that to their "startup" profile - setting this up may be different depending on the OS you are running.

What this will do is once a user logs on anything defined in the startup will run. So an IE session will be started with the URL in essence doing exactly what you are looking to accomplish.

Edit - I just tested this and it worked fine.
OS = Windows 7 Professional
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

I opened the Report I wanted to use - Opened it and took the URL
I created a new "link" by going to that directory and right clicking - then selecting New - then Shortcut - then entered the URL for the report

Then I simply logged off and logged back on and when I did the report opened without me needing to click anything.
