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Cognos 10.1 -Error message BMT-MD-3630 In a multi segment project

Started by Yernie, 17 Sep 2015 04:26:11 PM

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I am getting the error message BMT-MD-3630 when I attempt to open the top level project thru Framework Manger. The top level project contains several segments. Googling this error message I found a recommendation to upgrade to 10.1. We are running Cognos version 10.1.4707.544-0 so we are already at level 10.1.

Can anyone offer me any guidance on how to fix this issue?

Thank you!


Did you read the text which is part of the error message?  Did you understand what it was trying to tell you? If not, can you try to tell us what you didn't understand?

What's happening is that your segment has a data source whose definition does not match the definition of a data source in the parent model.  You might have a space at the end of something or you might have set a property differently or someone might have set up a data source of the same name when they modeled the segment and it is actually an entirely different data base.   

FM doesn't know what to do-- is the segment's definition better than the other?

You don't necessarily need to rename the data source -- it might be just a matter of correcting something.   You need to know the provenance of the segments and understand. If they are pointing to different data bases/schemas/catalogs then you would need to rename one of them in order to bring the segment into the project. 

You ought to know that the newer version has a fix for this problem.  It is to ignore the segment's data sources which have names which collide with those in the parent model, which you may or may not want.

In short you need to know what's going on and why it is happening.