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sorting and calculations on measures on a cube based crosstab report

Started by cognosbeginner, 13 Jul 2014 09:50:25 PM

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I'm building a crosstab report with multiple pages based on 3 cube datasources. I am first building the necessary rows and columns in Analysis studio and then opening it in RS. I have 2 questions about sorting and calculations on the measures -

1. I have a simple crosstab report with 'n' rows (states) and 6 columns (measures). Although i specify a sort order of descending on one of the 6 measures in the analysis cube, after opening it in RS, the sorting order doesnt actually sort. How do I sort just one measure in the report?

2. i have 2 rows (measures) and 5 columns (years 2008 - 2014) in a crosstab. The crosstab query has slicers to slice the measures based on 3 prompts (state, company and product) values. The users want a 6th column to display a 'countrywide current YTD'. How can i create it?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Quote from: cognosbeginner on 13 Jul 2014 09:50:25 PM
... I am first building the necessary rows and columns in Analysis studio and then opening it in RS ...

You managed this without having nightmares from the resulting report in Report Studio?? Analysis Studio seems to do really nutty stuff in my experience. I have long since left it behind in favor of Cognos Workspace Advanced (formerly Business Insight Advanced). I'd suggest you try that or else create it directly in Report Studio to see if you can solve the sorting issue.

Not sure there is enough information about the structure of your data source to answer the second question.