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Creating a new project - insufficentCapabilities error

Started by kc9400, 17 Mar 2014 04:50:30 AM

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Good morning,

Cognos 10.2.1
Framework Manager 10.2.1

Ok, I've tried to create a new package in Framework manager but get an error message, I've tried to run as administrator aswell but this didn't work either. I've not used Framework manager before so I may be doing something which is obviously wrong, any help is greatly appreciated.

The steps I used:

Open FM > File > New > Enter Project name > Use Dynamic Query Mode Checked. > Press 'Ok' > Select Language - 'English' >
Select Metadata Source - 'Data Sources' > Next >  Select a data source from the list defined in IBM Cognos - 'Test' > Next >

Error - BMT-IMP-0002 Failed to execute metadata request. insufficentCapabilitiesCAF-WRN-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:2014-03-17-09:47:03.121-#19


When life gives you lemons, throw them at someone.



Did you miss a step in your list of actions above? I'd expect to see "Authenticate with the Cognos server" as one of the steps?

Does the login you are using have the relevant privileges to see the structure of the data source you are trying to import from?





Hmmmm I cannot see anything relating to authenticating with the Cognos Server.

Cognos and FM are running on the same virtual machine, does this make a difference?

The data source is a SQL Server OLEDB connection. It all works fine if I don't check the box for "Use dynamic query mode". With it unchecked I can create a project and import tables etc... What difference does the dynamic query mode make to this?

At this stage it's doesn't make a lot of difference as I'm really just experimenting with how things work.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at someone.


Makes no difference if they are on the same server or not. Do you have an authentication provider defined for use with Cognos?



When life gives you lemons, throw them at someone.


In that case you ought to be prompted to log in when you fire up FM and create a new project? Do you have single-signon or are you normally prompted for a login when accessing Cognos 10 through a browser?



Hi guys,

first of all thanks for this great forum! I started to work with Cognos last year and I got a lot of useful information here!

Regarding the problem with FM while creating a new project with dynamic query mode... I've the exact same problem with Cognos 10.2.1 + FP5 and FM + FP5.
I spoke to one of IBM's employees that is currently with us. He mentioned that it could be a problem with the ojdbc driver. I'm querying an Oracle database.
But testing JDBC connection in Cognos Administration is successful. The ojdbc.jar file is placed at the correct folders in Cognos directory.

I also created an PMR at IBM support, but so far we did't manage to solve the problem.


We have a defined an authentication provider (Win AD), but when I start FM there is no prompt to login. No single-signon; yes there is a prompt in browser.
Cognos and FM are on the same server (Win 2012 R2 x64, no firewall or virus scanner).

Help is appreciated!




Hello Stiefa,
If the portal/browser prompts you(meaning no single sign-on) but FM does not, there may be something off in your FM configuration. Whenever you try to create a new project or open a saved project and the FM is configured to point at an environment with some authentication namespace setup then FM has to prompt you for the same too.
When you say Cognos and FM are on the same server, are they on the same server AND installed in the same COGNOS_ROOT, OR are they on the same server BUT have different installation folders? If different installation locations then,
can you please check, if the Gateway URI in the FM configuration is the same as the gateway URI for your cognos environment AND the "Dispatcher URI for External Applications" is specified as one of the dispatchers in your environment .



Hi cognos810,

thanks for your reply!

Cognos and FM are installed in different locations: D:\c10.2.1_bisrv and D:\c10.2.1_fm
Yes, I'm using the gateway URI of the Cognos environment: http://justahostname.domain.com:80/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll

In FM configuration the URI for "Dispatcher URI for External Applications" is http://justahostname.domain.com:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch.
This URL is in BISRV configuration set for "External dispatcher URI", "Internal dispatcher URI" and "Dispatcher URI for external application".

Pretty much standard apart of ISAPI. Single Server installation for BI server. Ah, and I changed localhost with FQDN of server and added authentication provider.


Hi again,
we finally managed to solve the problem.

After installing the environment I removed the anonymous user from admin groups but in Cognos Configuration there was "Allow anonymous authentication" still set to yes (the prompt I got in browser appeared after clicking on logon....  :-X)
Therefore the FM directly connected to Cognos without prompting for credentials. If you disable anonymous authentication FM will ask you for credentials. Be sure this user is part of at least one of these groups: System Administrator, Directory Administrator and Report Administrator - these belong to import relational metadata capability. See this technote for more details.

You can trigger a prompt in FM even if anonymous authentication is allowed. To do so click on Project in the menu bar and select "Log on as"