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sample Custom Authentication Provider for Oracle

Started by pikachu, 11 May 2007 03:28:03 AM

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I need to write a Custom Authentication Provider for Cognos that gets its user information from Oracle. Does anyone have a sample code for me to get started on? Would appreciate any help greatly. Thanks.

COGNOiSe administrator

The SDK has one. It is not ORACLE specific, I think, but it is a good start. There is also a comapny down in Texas, USA, which sells/develops custom security providers for Cognos. They are a bunch of good guys with excellent JAVA skills. If you are coming to Forum, stop by at my booth and we can talk.


Thanks for your reply. Is the SDK a seperate install component? I've installed ReportNet MR3 but I dun find any examples in the SDK directory. :-(

COGNOiSe administrator

Yes, the SDK is a separate product with considerable cost.