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Series 7.3 PPES want to move Cubes and reports to Cognos Connection

Started by jmorrison, 10 Apr 2007 01:13:12 PM

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Here is our current setup. PPES 7.3 with Cubes and Reports accessible through Upfront (security setup in Access Manager)
We want to turn off Upfront and have all the cubes and reports exist in Cognos Connection.  In the New features release of PPES page 45.  There is the following command to move powerplay items from Upfront to Cognos Reportnet.

ppserver -tocrn -un username -pw password -replace

I run the command
and get the following error in the log
Migrating report: /Imported Reports/Published Cubes/AR Information/1686_2ea6932
1:10:04 PM>   LocalSource: C:/Program Files/Cognos/cer4/bin/../ppserver/PPSRoot/imported_reports/published_cubes/ar_information/1686_2ea6932.ppx
1:10:05 PM>   Processing primary NID...
1:10:06 PM>       ERROR: ERROR: Cannot access or create folder in Cognos ReportNet!
1:10:06 PM>   Cannot migrate NID aecd1b3412f611d9b67dd181974dac8b to Cognos ReportNet

I have myself with full access to the Public folder in Cognos Connection.

Any suggestion on migrating 25 cubes with 275 reports from Upfront to Cognos connection

COGNOiSe administrator

Do you have S7 security in ReportNet? Are the servers fully qualified?


The trick was to have the Everyone group have full access to the Public Folder.  The name of the folder that exist in PPES ( where the cubes and reports that will be published ) needs to exist in the Public folders.  Once these are set correctly, the command line works. 

COGNOiSe administrator