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Installation of Cognos 10 transformer on 64bit Appcaltion server (AIX)

Started by anilbasa, 31 Aug 2012 02:47:19 AM

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Can you please guide me if i can install Cognos transfomer 10 on Cognos Applcaition server  compoannet on  AIX machine.

Our Current Cognos 10 instllation is Multi server, on AIX 64 bit server.not sure if transfomer will mate well with appccation server as tranfomer is 32 bit..please advice how to proceed on this installation.



Transformer is unfortunately still a 32 BIT app, however that being said you can load Transformer on AIX and have it run perfectly fine.

I have AIX Running with Websphere and IHS - I have Transformer running under this deployment.

There are some "gotcha's" though that you are going to face with the Cognos App server.

I have a different JRE etc that I have in users .profile - because Transformer for some reason doesn't like the JRE that comes with the 64bit App server thats plugged into Websphere.

Also you have to develop the cubes on Windows - which if you are using IQD's (like alot of my legacy cubes use) there is a lot of manual editing of the MDL file prior to getting it to run on AIX. You need to update the paths of these IQD's manually.

The only other potential issue you may face is something I am dealing with right now.

Cogtr works, the cubes build, they balance so the cubes are build correctly. However I get a "Memory Fault(core dump)" message. Since the cube builds fine I thought this may be something I had setup improperly, however I had had an open PMR with IBM on this for over a week now.