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displayal of dollar instead of euro currency sign

Started by blom0344, 06 Jul 2009 10:46:19 AM

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I have a number of measures from a traditional cube with formatting set to euro currency sign. However , analysis studio displays dollars as currency. Regional settings are in euro. Is there any other place to influence the currency displayed?



The only other thing you may want to try is importing your Cube into Framework manager and changing it there.  What version of Cognos 8 are you on?

Best regards,




The KB has the following article:

"Setting the default currency symbol for PowerCubes"

which indicates:

In Cognos 8 there is no concept of a "system default" locale, so cubes without a currency table default to using dollar signs. Cubes that show pounds in PowerPlay show dollar signs in Analysis Studio.

1. In the File menu, select Currency table, and click OK.
2. For each currency measure, right-click on the measure and select Allow currency conversion.

So,I'll try the currency table option.


Seems to work out pretty well , but adding the currency itself as dimension in Analysis Studio..


Theres a setting in the config folder in a file called qfs_config.xml

Search for  "fallbackCurrency". Just change to what you need.

This works for ALL Analysis Studio cubes in C8.
