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How to show ParamDisplayValue of a Prompt that is Directly in a Report Page

Started by Blessed2, 05 Oct 2006 01:35:10 PM

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Here's my scenario:

I have a report that has value prompts.  They are not on a separate prompt page.  They are directly on the report in the header.  The end-user has several prompts that they can choose from.  They can choose to see an individual employees training record, or an everyone at a specific location or a specific position, etc, etc.

The problem is that when you put prompts directly onto a report, they become interactive and must be run in html in order to choose your options.  If a user runs the report in html, chooses his Filters from the value prompts, and then decides to run it in pdf for a printable version, the prompts controls indicating what the report is Filter by will not show up in PDF.

Is there a way to put controls behind controls so that I can put a ParamDisplayValue that only shows up when it is run in PDF without it showing on the interactive HTML version.  Or someway to show the end-user on the PDF report what they have chosen to filter the report by?


There is a ReportOutput() function which will return 'PDF' when the report is producing a PDF file.  You should be able to trap that and create a condition block to show the filter values.

Good luck,


If I understand the question correctly, just add a text item to the block where the inline prompt is, set it to source text from a report expression and insert your parameter. 

Now, that is SUPPOSED to work and does so on many of my reports, but I have some where it does not and frankly, I cannot figure out why.  It displays the value used, not the value displayed.


PS- Hey Opher!


You can create a PDF version of the report where in you can use Layout calculation and pass all the valuse from the main report for the prompt selections and show them as paramdisplayvalue('Parameter')


By the way, found out why the inline prompt was not displaying properly through paramdisplayvalue.  Inline prompts apparently have to be manipulated by changing a value or using  prompt button at least once to load the display value properly.  My problem stemmed from having a default value I wanted to display initially.  However, there is a way around it if you want a default value.

Create a prompt on the prompt page.  Set it to your default value and then change the box type to none.  It will not display with any other prompts and your report comes up with the proper display value.