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The Member Unique Name (M-U-N) needs to start with '[':"".

Started by Hodges, 16 Jul 2009 10:54:20 AM

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Since upgrading to 8.4, I have one report (written in Report Studio) whereby when drilling through to another report using normal prompts on relational data, I get the following error.

The Member Unique Name (M-U-N) needs to start with '[':"".

When trying to run the drill-through target report, it does not prompt for the values and will eggtimer forever?

Any clues?  ???


I haven't seen that error before, but the place to check would be the drillthrough from the first report, and the prompt in the target report. Make sure that the "Property to Pass" is set to default or caption in the drillthrough. In the target report, you could make sure the prompt is still correct. If you're using the prompt alias, try rewriting it as the full macro

#prompt('ParameterName','string','default string')#