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layout component reference - use but do not change

Started by binf, 13 Oct 2023 04:17:59 AM

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Cognos Version: 11.1.7

Dear Community,

we are using the layout component reference. In the beginning we hid the folder and allowed access. That worked well. But now it is the case that the users want to insert the layout references themselves, but for this the folder has to be visible. If we set this, then the users now have the possibility to edit these references, even though they are set to "read only". What needs to be set so that the layout can be used by everyone without them being able to edit it?



Not sure but try giving them 'Read' access to that folder, not 'Run' access.


Thank you very much for the tip. I have once again explicitly overwritten the permissions on the report that serves as the basis for the layout reference for exactly one person and adjusted and tested them step by step.

First, I assigned "Read" and selected "Denied" for all other functions. This allowed the user to use the report as a layout reference, but also to edit it. Then I denied the "Read" right and only granted "Execute". This meant that the user could no longer edit the report, but he could also no longer select it as a layout reference (the selection remained grey). Then I additionally allowed the "Write" right. This did not change the situation. Next, I additionally allowed the transit right (so now "Execute", "Write" and "Transit" were allowed, "Read" and "Policy" were forbidden). This resulted in the change that the report can now be selected via the layout reference menu, but afterwards an error "500" (server request failed) is issued. The same happens even if the policy rights are still allowed. I.e. the report can only be used as a layout reference if read rights are available, but if these are set, the user can edit the layout reference source report at the same time.

This can only be a bug, or is it intentional?


PS: I was always able to execute the layout reference source report directly with all rights variants.