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Is there a way to update all reports' specification

Started by Eag. E, 30 Jul 2020 08:42:33 AM

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Eag. E


I have updated a FM model package, but there are hundred of reports based on this package, how could I update all report specification together ?  Thanks


I assume that you did not employ the concept of durable model?  https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_10.1.0/com.ibm.swg.im.cognos.ug_fm.10.1.0.doc/ug_fm_id11629DurModel.html

The official way to do what you want is to write a program using the Cognos SDK.  In my experience, Cognos SDK programs are very slow.  For thousands of report specs -- to find the ones that need to change and update the specs -- the program may take a couple of hours to run.  To accommodate external issues, like servers being rebooted or network glitches, you'll need to spend considerable effort to gracefully handle failures during the time the program is running.

On the rare occasions when I need to do this, I hack the Content Store database.  This requires considerable testing because I don't even bother using an XML parser (again - 2 hours) and it's easy to get horrible results with REPLACE.

Either way you go, be sure you have a good backup.  Either method could cause catastrophic failure.