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unable to browse Logo Images .Getting 405 -method not allowed Error.

Started by rajvivan, 27 Apr 2015 01:32:15 PM

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Dear All,

I am trying to add images(Logo) by using the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\webcontent\samples\images where I kept the logo image but when I clicked on  "browse", it is giving me following error:

web server error:
The web request failed
405-Method not allowed

I searched in Google regarding the same  found few solution .As per google i need to start the WebDAV in IIS server , i did but still  could not able to browse any image. Kindly suggest What should I do now? Detailed Steps would be greatly Appreciated.


Hello rajvivan,
I have used this developerworks article in the past. If you scroll down half way down you will see a section "Configuring WebDAV (Optional)".
Hope it helps,



Also you should not be using a local filesystem reference like "C:\Program Files\......". It needs to be a URL that anyone's web browser will be able to access. In fact if you already know the URL you can just set the property to that URL without browsing to the image. So you could for example set it to "http://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo11w.png" if you wanted to display Google's logo (not recommended by the way).

It is better to use a relative URL. e.g "../samples/images/yourimagehere.jpg". That way, if the web URL changes your images will continue to work, say for instance you get a new server that has a different name. (Your web site should really be DNS aliased but that is a different topic.)


Thanks for your Prompt response. But still I M unable to solve my problem. When in opened IIS server , I am unable to see WEBDAV files.Kindly help me in this Context. Attaching the Screenshot for your reference.


On a windows server, you have to turn on the WebDAV role/feature for IIS.
A quick check to confirm that it is not installed yet is to open server manager and click on roles. Then under Web Server(IIS) section you should see the entry "WebDAV Publishing" (see attached image). If you do not see it, you will have to add it and you can do the same from the same Server Manager screen itself by clicking on the "Add Roles Services"(shown in the image too).
Then, under Web Server > Common HTTP features check the box next to WevDav Publishing. Click on install.
Go back to your IIS console and you should see WebDAV now.



Thanks you so much sir for analysing the issue. I followed the process but I am failed to understand what went wrong.Still i m not able to browse any image. Attaching the screenshot for your reference. Why I am unable to browse any image?

Sorry for my ignorance but please provide me the solution.


Copy your image folder to {Cognos install directory}\\webcontent\bi and apply proper permission then it will work like a charm. btw, I'm using Cognos Analytics R7.