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Modify the size of liste line

Started by lahdeb, 21 Mar 2017 05:16:26 AM

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Hi all

Plz , I need a help in report studio

I want to modify the size of one line of my liste which have a limited number of line , exemple: I want to modify the height of my third line of my liste , just the 3th one , is it possible?

Thank you


I need some more information to help you. What information is on this third line that you want to change the height of it? Is it somehow different in content?
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My list is related to a table which have the third line more higher , so I want just to act on this 3th line of my list, just modify the height of this unique line , I joined a picture which explain my request
As you can see I want to modify the hight of the red line of my list

Thank you


Create a variable with Rownumber() = 3 and place a block inside the list row and render it for that variable. Adjust the size of the block as per your requirement. Check in the report functions for the rownumber function in the create variable window.
If the above doesnt work, let us know about what is in the other table and how are these 2 related.
Good luck
New guy


Hi New_Guy ,
Thank you for your replay I will try your solution


How about putting the information of the table and the list in one list? I miss information about what is in that table, so I don't know or understand why you have them separately.
Few can be done on Cognos | RTFM for those who ask basic questions...


Actually , the list come up with data from the data base , each row of the list has a comment (static) on the table , so it is done like this for the moment , I suggested to put the comment on the database and join it with the table which contains the data , but I have to do with what is done

I didn't try the solution proposed by new_guy , I m thinking of joining the list to an html code as well to modify the structure :D



Hi all,

I m still not able to modify the height of a chosen row of a liste :/ , when putting variable and acting on the size , all rows of the list are changed

If do you have any other idea to solve the problem , I tried to use html but still not having what I want

Thank you


I want to share a solution that I found even if it is temporary but it work .
All what  I had to do is to define the conditional style of my list , I added a row number to my list which I hided , and I act on rownumber =3 and I changed the height according to this value

If d you have better Ideas , I will be grateful if you share them with me
Thank you for helping