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How to hide running-total values in line chart if month is greater than current

Started by semsel, 23 Mar 2015 01:38:52 AM

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I am using a line chart to show the cumulative sales revenue trends for the current year along with the budget. As expected the the values will remain constant for the future months sames as of current month as the figures are zeros, However I want to hide the line and datapoints altogether for the actual revenue for the future months, and show the budget alone. I hope its clear..

I tried the following already:

1. Chart Conditional palette with boolean variable(if month > current month)
2. multiply with data item which zero for future months and 1 for the rest.
3. running-total with an if-condition

However I just could not get this to work, any insights?


Couldn't you just put an if statement in and make the actual revenue points in the future null - that should take them out of the graph. Something like:

if( [Month] > month(current_date)) then (NULL) else ([Sales Value])


my query items are as follows:

Revenue = [Sales].[Sales].[Revenue]
revenue Cumulative = running-total ([Revenue])

My chart has months as its categories and Revenue Cumulative as the measure.
even if i make Revenue for future months, running total will carry last month's value and will appear on chart which I want to avoid.

Any other ideas?



if( [Month] > month(current_date)) then (NULL) else (running-total([Revenue]))