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Can someone help me with the java script to open the new report in the same wind

Started by xyz, 04 Nov 2014 02:24:57 AM

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Hi All,

We have a requirement to do dashboard to dashboard drill through in Cognos Workspace, cognos version we are using is 10.2.1 and browser is IE 9. We are able to achieve dashboard to dashboard drill through by using a intermediate report, which uses java script which will redirect it to the child dashboard along with required parameters, the problem here we are facing is every time, when we try to do drill through from parent dashboard to child dashboard every time dashboard opens a new window. How to avoid dashboard to open a new window, instead we want the dashboard to open
in the same window.

java script used to redirect to other report

"<script language=javascript>

function redirect(org,week,slctn,excptns,servername)

     return  'http://'+servername+':90/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?b_action=icd&pathinfo=/main&ui.action=edit&src=%2Fibmcognos%2Fcgi-bin%2Fcognos.cgi%3Fb_action%3Dicd%26pathinfo%3D%252Ffeeds%252Fcm%252Fpath%252FPublic%2520Folders%252FLabor%2520Exceptions%252FLabor%2520Exceptions%2520Dashboard%26entry%3D;&p_Org='+org+'&p_fiscal_week='+week+'&p_View_Slctn='+slctn+'&p_Labor_Excptns='+excptns;
window.location = redirect('"+URLEncode (ParamValue('Org'))+"','"+URLEncode (ParamValue('fiscal_week'))+"','"+URLEncode (ParamValue('View_Slctn'))+"',"+URLEncode (ParamValue('Labor_Excptns'))+",'"+ServerName ()+"');

Can some one please provide some suggestion or help, is there any way of achieving the above requirement.

Thanks & Regards,