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Problems with configuring FM on a client PC - cryptographic information cannot

Started by AbuHaneefah, 26 Nov 2013 03:56:52 AM

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I am trying to configure FM on a client machine but I also have tried to put it on the server (which it is not on but the rest of Cognos is installed on)

The error I get is when I try to save the config file.

The cryptographic information cannot be encrypted. Do you want to save the configuration in plain text?

The error is:

[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1132 An error occurred while attempting to request a certificate from the Certificate Authority service. Unable to connect to the Certificate Authority service. Ensure that the Content Manager computer is configured and that the Cognos 8 services on it are currently running. The HTTP result code '401' was returned from the server.

I have checked the Gateway URI and Despatcher URI and they are correct, on that machine I can save the configuration fine if I do it for the old install.

I tried installing FM on the server that Cognos is installed on but put it in a new directory as Cognos is already installed on that machine and it told me it would replace existing files. FM installs fine but when I try and make the Dispatcher and Gateway settings the same as the other installation I get the same error above.

Can anyone help please?

Kind Regards



Hello AbuHaneefah,
Have you tried regenerating the cryptographic keys. Which is basically delete(or cut and move out or rename) the csk, signkeypair, encryptkeypair folders found under the configuration directory for the FM installation. Then open cognos configuration for Fm and hit save again. These folders will be recreated.
If it does not work, please post your Gateway URI and the dispatcher URI. You can mask the server names if you want to.
