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Pass parameter value from dimensional treeprompt to report based on rel. package

Started by blom0344, 18 Apr 2011 08:08:39 AM

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Is it at all possible to pass a value from a dimensional treeprompt to a report based on a relational package? The query behind the tree prompt consists of just one item:

rootmembers([DMR Model].[Consolidationstructure].[Consolidatiestructure])

I tried passing the _businesskey  and the memberunique name to a relational report, but nothing is passed through the drillthrough definition..

Am I missing a clue?


Sorry for opening up such an old thread, but after 2,5 years I uncovered an interesting piece of documentation:


I am trying to get this to work, but  the  rootMembers function dos not return any members in a tree prompt whereas validating the expression does show members.

My definition:


made it work using the Descendants function.  I have researched the passing of Dimensional prompt values to a relational model for quite some time, and now it works after an afternoon fiddling  :D

Amazing tool , Cognos.  Hate to leave it behind by end of the month  :-[
