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Send email to the person running the DM job

Started by terry_stjean, 23 Jul 2013 11:13:09 AM

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In Data Manager, we have jobs which send emails to certain persons is the job fails or not.
I'm setting up a job to upload a text file and validate the data.
I want to be able to send the email to the person executing the job and not hard-code the To Address in the email.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
If it makes a difference, we use Active Directory.



Hmmmm. Tricky one! None of the standard System Designer or System Runtime variables contain the ID or email of the user running the process. If you could somehow get hold of the email address from the command line or from an OS environment variable, you could populate a DM variable with that value and use the DM variable as the email address.

Just a thought...
