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Crosstab corners behavior when dragging into measures dropzone

Started by dylsing, 11 Oct 2006 10:58:29 PM

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when I read documents for Cognos crosstabs, and I see examples of the dragging of a column (eg. Quantity) over to the measures dropzone, I see the <Quantity> text displayed in the measures dropzone area.

However when I do the same, the <Quantity> is displayed as a crosstab corner and in the measures dropzone area, I see <#1234#>.

I have three questions:

  • Is the above behavior of the measure being displayed as a crosstab corner the normal behavior?
  • Is there a setting I must adjust so that the <Quantity> word is shown within measures area when I drop it in there?
  • What's the purpose of the crosstab corner, is it for display purpose so one would know what's being shown?

Thank you!