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You cannot create an object at the location "/Public Folders/Samples/Models".

Started by Fulvio, 04 Mar 2009 04:52:36 AM

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I have installed the examples of Cognos (GOSALES e GOSALESDW) following the guidelines of the setup process.
Everything is successful.
The problem is that when I open Framewor Manager and try to publish the package to use examples, give me the following error:

BMT-MDC-0001 Unable to run the publication.
CCL-RCI-0002 The Soap server returned a Soap fault.
The error messages from WASP engine:
CM-REQ-4023 You cannot create an object at the location "/Public Folders/Samples/Models".
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.


You don't mention what version you're using. If you're using anything prior to 8.3 you cannot publish packages anywhere other than the root Public Folders directory.


Why do you need to publish to a folder instead of to the contentstore?


I solved the problem.
I had not noticed that in the input box "Folder Location in the Content Store" contained a non-existent path.

Thank you for your willingness