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Error: One or more of the required values is missing. Requires values are needed

Started by erics, 09 Jun 2015 03:40:10 PM

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So, I created a report that has graph, a set of radio buttons that define if it's for 1 year or 5.
When I run the report directly, no problem at all. I can change the date range easily.
However, I've added the report to a portlet, and now when I try to click on the radio buttons, after the first change, I get an error that one or more values is missing.
Anyone seen this before? Any ideas why it's only on the portlet?

Turns out that the issue is solely with the radio buttons. I've taken everything else off the form, and still get that issue. I'm just not sure why clicking back and forth between 2 values would cause this error ...


Interestingly enough, the error doesn't occur on firefox.
IBM mentions this error in passing on its msgboards, apparently the solution is to run the fixpack.