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How do I pass a caculated query result as text in a graph?

Started by krubi, 11 Mar 2013 10:35:36 AM

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For 2009 to 2012 I am hard-coding in results because we have no summary tables.  For 2013 I am calculatitng the year-to-date result.  When I try to embed the result in as the final year's data, 2013, it is transformed.  How can I pass the 2013 result so that it is not transformed?  The result for FY13 is correct when viewed individually, but the number changes in the graph.  I've also tried creating a data item for each year separately.

Here is the current code, but I've tried it several different ways.

[Fiscal Year Num] = 2009 THEN 97.3
Fiscal Year Num] = 2010 THEN 78.8
[Fiscal Year Num] = 2011 THEN 95.7
[Fiscal Year Num] = 2012 THEN 118.0
[Fiscal Year Num] = 2013 THEN [FY13] END