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How to set the output format of a data column to be enclosed by double quotes?

Started by LR, 24 May 2012 07:26:36 AM

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I have a report spec and in which i need a couple of columns to be displayed with a double quotation.I googled and added the RSVP.CSV.QUALIFIER propeerty in the cognos admin console system properties tab. How do i modify the report spec to allow double quotes to be displayed?

Also, I clicked the play symbol in the report studio to run the current report spec in csv format ,but after the prompt page it disappears. Can someone help?


Edit the data item expression like that of the following:

'"'+[Date Item]+'"'

(Single quote, double quote, single quote +[Data Item]+ single quote, double quote, single quote)
use all 6 quotations and validate.

Output should show "Data Item"