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Report total disappears whne DB value changes

Started by srini2mk, 27 Apr 2011 11:00:20 AM

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I have two fields which are to be sorted (not in a  ascending or decsnding alpahabetical order, but in a pre designed way). I updated the DB values of these two fields with the 1 or 2 followed by the actual value.

For e.g :

01  Wages and Salaries
02 Employee Benefits

so that they are sorted as needed (the reverse of the sort will happen if they are sorted alphabetically).

Now the sort worked but a total expenses line which is the sum of all rows for the list has disappeared completely.

revoking the DB to its actual values restores the report and the summary line appears.

Sounds weird. Can anyone please help. Thanks



Why do you have to do it that way ? I would not change the values in the DB.

You can create a calculated column in the report to say 'If ([Column Name] = 'Wages and Salaries') then (1) else If....  then (2)  )

Use this column to sort the original column that displays the values.

This way you don't have to change anything in the DB and no modifications to the Totals required.