I am trying to publish views of a number of applications but some of them are failing after completing the majority of items but failing with 1 or 2 of the items.
There doesn't appear to be any details in the error logs to give me a clue as to why they aren't working. We are using planning 8.4 on a sql database. But I'm not clued on sql and our database administrator isn't clued up on cognos.
Can anybody help?
What are your error messages in the CAC? Double click on the failed publish and post the details.
This has partially been resolved now by not including user annotations in the publish details.
This is the error if I include user annotations
Machine details: AD\W2K3-BSPFIN2
User details: AD\cognos-srv
Process ID / Thread ID: 3148 / 12508
Source: <SupplementalInfo><Source>EAdminSQL7_84.SQL7.CheckOutputForErrors</Source><StackInfo><ErrorGuid>{F97B0EBF-5E96-44B5-82F2-B717E3DC644E}</ErrorGuid><StackPosition>6</StackPosition><PreviousUserDomain>AD</PreviousUserDomain><PreviousUserName>cognos-srv</PreviousUserName><PreviousComputerDomain>AD</PreviousComputerDomain><PreviousComputerName>W2K3-BSPFIN2</PreviousComputerName></StackInfo></SupplementalInfo>
Error Number: -2147220469
Line Number: 390
Description: Unable to execute Job Item
Unable to Bulk Load the data.
Error found in output.
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
0 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 16
Job Item GUID: {39B5287B-9BD9-4099-A3E4-C9057C21DD7C}
Machine details: AD\W2K3-BSPFIN2
User details: AD\cognos-srv
Process ID / Thread ID: 3148 / 11124
Source: <SupplementalInfo><Source>JobExecutor_84.Executor.RunJobEndIfAppropriate</Source><StackInfo><ErrorGuid>{18791D2B-89D7-4F14-8657-D5D1753D9892}</ErrorGuid><StackPosition>2</StackPosition><PreviousUserDomain>AD</PreviousUserDomain><PreviousUserName>cognos-srv</PreviousUserName><PreviousComputerDomain>AD</PreviousComputerDomain><PreviousComputerName>W2K3-BSPFIN2</PreviousComputerName></StackInfo></SupplementalInfo>
Error Number: -2147220566
Line Number: 220
Description: Unable to get Job Item
The Job management step failed. An attempt has been made to mark the 'PUBLISH' Job as CANCELLED. Please rectify the problem and re-create a similar Job.
Job Task {E99C07C0-E836-4911-8D9F-26D92C01FF1C} is not attempting JobEnd because there are 1 FAILED job items
What is the number of E-List you are publishing.
Moreover, what is the application size and what is the cube size (which has been selected for publish).
Hi Stewart,
Have a look here.
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21438219 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21438219)
Looks like you have an issue with model annotation lenght.
Publish without annotation or delete annotations.
Hope that helps.