Hi Experts
Could you pls. let me know how I can resolve this issue :
When I am trying to restart the cognos services , its giving me the follwing error:
CM-SYS-5003 Content Manager is unable to access the content database.Verify your database connection parameters, contact DBA for assistance.
IBM CLI DRIVER [DB2/AIX64] SQL0290N Table space access is not allowed.
CM-SYS -5007 Content Manager Build 8.3.888.0 failed to start.
As I have don't have any DBA could you psl. help me out.
Also one day before this issue , we had another issue for the - System Temp. Tablespace of Page size 32K. We created that tablespace and after that Cognos worked fine. But since the database was slow , we rebooted the database and the problem of this Content Manager ( Table space access is not allowed ) arises .
Pls. help me in resolving this issue.
from the error you mentioned, your problem is on cognos content store connection, so can you first make sure that the cognos database is up and running. second re-check the content store configuration, may be the database I changes or something else. make sure that you can connect using any of your client tools to the cognos database using the same configuration mentioned in cofgnos configuration.