Hi Everyone,
I'm new to TM1 and am trying to understand the following. Imagine that you have a cube with two dimensions called Countries and Product. Certain products are sold in Country A and others in Country B. How do you control what products are seen in the products dimension when you select a specific country (for instance, if someone selects Country A, they should only see products in the subset that relate to Country A only? I'm more concerned with how it would be done in TM1 contributor. In Cognos Planning for example, you would use access tables.
Thanks for any guidance on this!
Hi you can use create view for country A and B with the products u need to show... As in TM1 Contributor you wont be able to publish the cube... you have to publish the view..
This may work, but in many case it wouldn't be a practical solution.
The easiest example to understand involves a cube that contains a cost centre dimension and an employees dimension (+others, obviously). We want to arrange that the cost centre manager can only see his own employees.
In a reasonably sized company , there may be a few hundred cost centres, each with their own list of employees - and the employees keep joining, leaving , and transferring between departments.
While the process of maintaining the few hundred views (one per cost centre) could be automated, it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, when this simple requirement can be satisfied by a single, simple access table in Cognos Planning.
There must be a better way, surely?
Hi Jj,
There are multiple ways to implement this. following are just some example
- you can create cube element level rule where by you can define Countr-product condition Write and None
- Create a cube with Country product mapping, enter dispay condition like Show -> Yes/No and create a dynamic subset for product dimension using this country specific value (If you just want to hide hide these items)
- If you have very limited number of countries then create a views with specific mapping
Or create a process to create view and product subsets. Assign these subsets to specific view, run this process every time you update product or country dimension.
Each has there own advantages and disadvantages. The most basic,simple and direct approach will be create a element level security control cube and assign rule as mentioned in first method