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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: jj on 03 Jun 2010 07:45:45 PM

Title: Controlling elements viewed based on selection from another dimension
Post by: jj on 03 Jun 2010 07:45:45 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to TM1 and am trying to understand the following. Imagine that you have a cube with two dimensions called Countries and Product. Certain products are sold in Country A and others in Country B. How do you control what products are seen in the products dimension when you select a specific country (for instance, if someone selects Country A, they should only see products in the subset that relate to Country A only? I'm more concerned with how it would be done in TM1 contributor. In Cognos Planning for example, you would use access tables.

Thanks for any guidance on this!
Title: Re: Controlling elements viewed based on selection from another dimension
Post by: Mehul on 02 Jul 2010 12:48:51 AM
Hi you can use create view for country A and B with the products u need to show... As in TM1 Contributor you wont be able to publish the cube... you have to publish the view..
Title: Re: Controlling elements viewed based on selection from another dimension
Post by: JohnBanks on 18 Jul 2012 06:32:11 AM
This may work, but in many case it wouldn't be a practical solution.

The easiest example to understand involves a cube that contains a cost centre dimension and an employees dimension (+others, obviously). We want to arrange that the cost centre manager can only see his own employees.

In a reasonably sized company , there may be a few hundred cost centres, each with their own list of employees - and the employees keep joining, leaving , and transferring between departments.

While the process of maintaining the few hundred views (one per cost centre) could be automated, it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, when this simple requirement can be satisfied by a single, simple access table in Cognos Planning.

There must be a better way, surely?
Title: Re: Controlling elements viewed based on selection from another dimension
Post by: lav4you on 18 Jul 2012 08:43:27 AM
Hi Jj,

There are multiple ways to implement this. following are just some example
Each has there own advantages and disadvantages. The most basic,simple and direct approach will be create a element level security control cube and assign rule as mentioned in first method
