I have a chart where any data that is null is showing as a N/A when exported to excel. For example, Jan has 1, Feb 0, Mar 2, Apr 0 and May 0. For the Months of Feb, Apr and May, I am seeing N/A on those bars where I don't want to see anything. Has anyone ever run into this before? I tried suppression, but that does not work. I am using 8.4 and exporting to excel 2003.
does this help
Thank you for your help, but no it did not work. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the way I manipulated the date field. I extracted the month out of the date field, but then had to create the following calc to get it to present the correct way in the graph:
If ([Planned Start Month] = 1) then ('Jan') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 2) then ('Feb') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 3) then ('Mar') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 4) then ('Apr') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 5) then ('May') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 6) then ('Jun') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 7) then ('Jul') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 8) then ('Aug') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 9) then ('Sep') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 10) then ('Oct') else
if ([Planned Start Month] = 11) then ('Nov') else
I may be heading in the wrong direction with that, but not sure how to fix.
This is what it shows then when I look at the series in excel: ={69,100,28,#N/A,#N/A} There are no values for Apr and May, but they are listed in the series values. I just need them to not be there. I don't even need it to say 0, but not show at all.
Thank You.
Probably not the best solution but if you are using a relational datasource, maybe breaking down into two querys can take the job done. Once you have the data, you do the decoding (month names).
Query_1 <- Query_2
Hope that helps,
Are you using Count or Total?
one approach i did use in the past was:
- manipulate the month or period as you did.
- use a case statement to identify the month.
- new per month data items, using an If statement to get (1) or (0) based on the actual month.
- new per month data items, using total to get the total planned per month.