we havea simple list report with section header, where 3-columns give us single-row <total_amount> based on 3-diff category.
and remaining one column gives us <department_code> like
NOW, is it possible to show these <department_code> like
123 234 345 456 678 and so on
<dept_code> <dept_code> <dept_code> <dept_code> <dept_code>
<tot_code> = 5 | <tot_amt> = 123,456.23 | <grand_total> = 121212.52|
thank you in advance for any help
1. Add table (3 columns, 2 rows)
2. Merge the upper row 3 columns into one.
3. Drag list into this tablecel and rotate list to crosstab
4. Add fake dataitem with value 1 to query and use this for crosstab row.
5. Set row and body of crosstab to white/white with boxtype = none
6. Set width crosstab corner to 1 %
7. Set crosstab column width to 16,5 %
6. Set size of 3 tablecells in 2nd row to 34/33/33 percent
7. Add singletons in the 3 open tablecells
thank you so much for your effort, bloom
we follow each and every steps. But we are getting values on 3 tabel cells in 2nd row only.
we are still unable to achieve what we need.
thank you in advance
Play around with the suggestions given. They may or may not be applicable to your needs. I used a step wise approach to improve readability, not to insist on following them blindly.
The idea is to give hints, tips, suggestions. You have to do the actual work yourselves
soory for late reponse...
I got it.....yah it is working......thankx a lot again....