we have reprot by writing SQL (not pkg), and runs very good good and fast.
now while using page set for page break (page break by COMPANY_NAME), it is taking hell of time.
we wonder is thera any way to sort out this performance issue.....
thankx in advance
My 2 cents would be to break by using the identifier (company id?) and not by the attribute company_name and test if that gets you better performance..
no difference...it is taking same amount of time
Quote from: pooja on 25 May 2010 09:15:37 AM
no difference...it is taking same amount of time
This has been discussed many times before, but if you want to benefit from Cognos technology then you need to base your reports on a real Cognos model. Injecting straight SQL bypasses the Cognos reporting engine, forces you to enable users to work with SQL and does not allow for changes in the database by means of model changes.
I really do not know if the combination of pagesets and straight SQL has been part of the cognos solution. Is there a reason for not reporting against a model?
Hi Pooja,
My guess is that inserting a page set like this is resulting in a local group/sort of the entire data set. Normally this would be incorporated as part of the dynamic query generated at runtime and passed to the database to process, but as you have hard-coded a SQL query you have prevented this from happening, forcing the qork to be done locally on the C8 server.
Just one of the many pitfalls of hard-coding SQL in a report, unfortunately.
Hi Pooja,
Did you find solution for this problem?? I am in similar situation now..