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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: AppsD on 24 May 2010 04:43:44 AM

Title: List report - Count on group
Post by: AppsD on 24 May 2010 04:43:44 AM
Hi All,

We have one request as follows..

1. We have list report as shown below

Trans ID      Cust name   Rule Key     Rule Count

1111              A                 09099
                                        09098        2

1119              B                090876
                                      090875       3

1117              C                 09099
                                        09098        2

1118              D                 09000
                                        09001       2

Count gives how many rules (there is no limit for rules) are applied on single transaction.

2. Now we have to check how many time SET OF Rules is repeating in the Report

For above ex. new report will show as

For rule count = 2

Rule key           count
    09098            2

     09000            1

And similary for Rule count = 3.

Could you please share yours thoughts - how to achieve this?
