Hi All!
We have 8.4 and i am reading many things among them about Access Manager...
I tried a little bit to find it in ibm sub site for cognos but i dont seem to have success..
can somebody help me writing 2 lines to tell me where it is and exactly its purpose?
Access Manager is/was the bundled security with Cognos 7 products. When Cognos 8 was released, a security provider was no longer included as Cognos 8 has the ability to connect to existing third-party security providers such as Active Directory, LDAP etc. If you already have Access Manager from a Cognos 7 install, you can continue to use this as a security provider for Cognos 8 if you wish.
... and C8 access manager is not to be confused with series7 access manager.
C8 access manager is "only" an "internal" part of the system.
From C8 Architecture and Deployment Guide:
"Content Manager contains Access Manager, the primary security component of IBM Cognos 8.
Access Manager leverages your existing security providers for use with IBM Cognos 8."
Thanks guys for helping the noob... :)