I solved this by including DIM Key as the last level and making it unique so that transformer knows which key to Join the facts on .I was under the assumption that since i sourced the Transformer model by FM the relationship would be present.
Since the Joins in Transformer happens by the Column Name and this has to be unique.
This is the scenario , I using the FM package as the source to the Transformer .( the joins in the FM are perfect and the reports are good)
Now When I try to use the same Dim's and Fact I am running into the issue of Orphan Categories which creates more records than necessary.
In Each Dim Iam using the appropriate Key as the lowest Level ( else i am getting message that the measures are not realted to Dims)
I want to know a way to get rid of this Orphans Caetegory
Orphans typically mean that there are some Keys in your fact which are not present in your dimension. There may be some filters in your dimension query that is removing records.
Orphans can be removed by Suppressing it or by Excluding it in the Category diagram.
Excluding it would remove the data too which in turn might affect the data in relation to other dimensions