Hi everyone,
when i create any D-Link on my BI package, i get the following error:
Error accessing data in published pacakges.
Error was:
DISP_E_EXCEPTION Failed HRESULT [0x800A0001]:Unknown message -2146828287 (0x800a0001)
[FormatMessage returned 317 (0x13d)] 0 2146828287 0
screnshot here: http://pictures.mizu.sk/error.PNG
(using Analyst v 8.4.)
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
In addition, this is the content of PlanningErrorlog.csv:
Unable to run the Planning Data Import Service using command: cd /d "D:\cognos\c8\bin"~~"D:\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.5.0\bin\java.exe" -Xms32M -Xmx128M -DentityExpansionLimit=200000 -Dorg.jawin.hardlib="D:\cognos\c8\bin\jawin.dll" -jar "D:\cognos\c8\bin\epModeledDataImport.jar" "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\DLink Sales Planning.FMSales_CalcImports_ImportFile.xml" "101:6af9219b-c9c0-6411-b961-2cf10ed7b5c8:1512980879" "http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch"Unable to parse the Data Manager return xml document. Please see the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmresult_DLink Sales Planning.FMSales_CalcImports_Tue May 25 16_35_48 EEST 2010.xml log file to view information that may have been returned from Data Movement Service~~~~~Result was: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmspec_DLink Sales Planning.FMSales_CalcImports_Tue May 25 16_35_48 EEST 2010.xml~C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmresult_DLink Sales Planning.FMSales_CalcImports_Tue May 25 16_35_48 EEST 2010.xml~~~~~Unable to run the Linkstep.
Failed HRESULT [0x800A0001]: Unknown message -2146828287 (0x800a0001) [FormatMessage returned 317 (0x13d)]
when planning runs an FM>analyst dlink, it creates an xml definition file in %temp% on the server. based on this xml, it creates a dump from FM and saves it as an CSV file in a temporary location - \\servername\UNC\bin.
Analyst then reads all the data from this CSV and after it finished, the CSV is deleted.
In my case, the problem was, that the system account under which planning ran had no permissions to access this folder, so it was not able neither to create the CSV file, neither to write data into it, neither to read it..
After granting rights for the user everything works fine. Solved.
I have also recently had this problem, or something very similar. I was trying to update a two dimension d-cube in Analyst with data from an FM package, where one dimension was a series of numeric ID's and the other two d-list formatted lookups.
None of the solutions found on the web helped, but I eventually added a Cast command into the FM package on the numeric identifier to force it to me VARCHAR. I was then able to load without any problems.
Quote from: mizu on 20 May 2010 06:11:10 AM
Hi everyone,
when i create any D-Link on my BI package, i get the following error:
Error accessing data in published pacakges.
Error was:
DISP_E_EXCEPTION Failed HRESULT [0x800A0001]:Unknown message -2146828287 (0x800a0001)
[FormatMessage returned 317 (0x13d)] 0 2146828287 0
screnshot here: http://pictures.mizu.sk/error.PNG
(using Analyst v 8.4.)
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
Hi Abdulillah,
I know you mentioned that you're using Analyst 8.4, do you know if you have any fix packs applied to that version? (there are presently 2 that you could have applied). To confirm, open the CAC, click help, about, 3 dots, and return the values. I believe a similar problem was corrected in fp1 for 8.4.. if you're already on fp1 or greater, see below..
Are you able to run any link from this package, selecting the most basic of items from the package to match against the cube you're loading? I've seen problems running multiple links from within a single analyst session. That is, 1 link will succeed but a second link run before restarting analyst will cause failure.
If that doesn't pan out, do you have any special characters present in the dimension members that make up the cube you're targeting? If so, try replacing the special characters and attempt to run the link again. I would suggest that you try this in a sample library, rather than making the changes to a live production analyst library.