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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: kderoos on 19 May 2010 01:44:15 PM

Title: Adding Custom Report Template for Report Studio?
Post by: kderoos on 19 May 2010 01:44:15 PM
I am following the IBM documentation for adding a Custom Report Template for Report Studio ( with less than successful results and was wondering if anyone had some tips or suggestions.

While I've tried this several different ways, I'm going to summarize where I am now.

*Modified templates.xml - copied Blank template xml fragment and pasted it below the original.  Changed the name to <template name="My Blank">

* Modified Resources.xml - copied Blank Report listItem and pasted it below the original.  Modified the new line as follows: <listItem idsLabel="IDS_LBL_NEW_MYBLANK_REPORT" icon="icon_blank.gif" templateName="My Blank"/>

*Modifed reportstudio_en.xml (not actually in the IBM documentation but found a reference to this file somewhere else) - copied Blank Report string and pasted it below the original.  Modified the new line as follows: <string id="IDS_LBL_NEW_MYBLANK_REPORT" type="Control Label">My Blank</string>

Saved all files to .//c8/webcontent/pat/res.

Cleared my cache and restarted IE and started Report Studio to no avail. Restarted the Cognos service on the server without success.

Thanks in advance for any insight.
Title: Re: Adding Custom Report Template for Report Studio?
Post by: MFGF on 26 May 2010 09:01:29 AM

I think the problem is here:
Quote* Modified Resources.xml - copied Blank Report listItem and pasted it below the original.  Modified the new line as follows: <listItem idsLabel="IDS_LBL_NEW_MYBLANK_REPORT" icon="icon_blank.gif" templateName="My Blank"/>

You are using idsLabel= which is an internal predefined multilingual attribute in the xml.  Instead, replace it with label="IDS_LBL_NEW_MYBLANK_REPORT" - note that the attribute should be label not Label (no upper case L).
