Hi everyone hope someone can help me with this.
I'm trying to identify which builds belong to which jobstream and which jobstreams belong to which 'master' jobstreams (we currently have 5 or 6 levels of jobtreams before we get to the builds).
The only thing I've found that even seems to come close is DSB_JOBNODE_RUN. This shows for each job what the immediate parent (master job) is and what the immediate child (component job) is but it seems to list everything as a masterjob, job and component e.g. we have a job called refresh.TARDIS which (apparently) has refresh.TARDIS as a parent (masterjob) and refresh.TARDIS as a child (component job).
We also have other jobs listed as having X as a parent but don't and have Y as a child but don't.
This is starting to drive me mad.
What I'm trying to get to eventually is a graph of what jobs are running when during the day. The idea is to do this at the highest job level (because we have thousands of jobs/builds), then be able to drill down to lower level jobs and eventually to the builds. But without being able to determine the job/build hierarchy I'm finding this difficult.
Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be done, or a different place in the content store I can find the link between jobs and builds.
Any help much appreciated.
Have you tried file -> Document Catalog? This should give you an HTML document where all the top-down dependencies are linked, providing an easy method of seeing which jobstreams/builds etc are run from each jobstream.
Thanks for the reply.
I was hoping that the relationships where held in a table in the content store so I could pull them through into DM, FM and report against them.