We have OLAP cube set up, and it has a time dimension like Year-Quarter-Month-Week-Day, there is a current day member, and I need to filter data for last 12 months from current day. It needs to be dynamic and change daily. I know how to do it with relational data, but those date functions do not work with dimensional data. I am new to dimensional report design, does anyone know the function or date calculation which would filter the data for past 12 months? I am using Cognos Report Studio 8.42.....
From the Tips in the expression editor:
lastPeriods ( integer_exp , member )
Returns the set of members from the same level that ends with the specified member. The number of members returned is the absolute value of "integer_exp". If "integer_exp" is negative, members following and including the specified member are returned. Typically used with a time dimension.
So for your application, you might try: