we need to build bubble chart for the following dimensions(sales stage,date of year) but in the bubble chart X and Y axis we should have only measures.but we have sales stage on X-axis and Date of Year on Y-axis.so,pls can u provide solution how to change dimensions(i.e,sales stage and Date of Year) to measures...
Hi Mahesh,
What does the report need to achieve? Bubble charts are a method of presenting three different measure values simultaneously. How do you see your descriptive dimensional items fitting into this? Are you looking for counts of each, for example? If you can tell us what you need the report to do, we can perhaps suggest a solution.
Hi MF,
Thx for the Reply
For sales stage(x-axis) I am having values as 1 to 10 values and for date of year(y-axis) I have values such as year.but these are in dimension.For bubble size I am having measure so no issue with that one.I have issue with this dimensions(i.e,sales stage and date of year).If I can change them into measures then my issue will be solved...
Hi Mahesh,
For Sales Stage, can we assume that the values (1 to 10) are currently held as character strings? If so, try defining a Query Calculation to convert these into integer values using the cast() function, and use this on your x-axis.
For Year, try the same technique.
Does this help?
Hi MF,
Thx for the reply
I used cast(column_name as decimal(9,2)) inorder to change dimension to measure.but i am getting following error after running the report...
An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlScrollBulkFetch' status='-51'.
Can u help me reg this?
Here is the IBM KB document detailing the error:
Looks like the values you are converting into numbers also contain alphabetic characters. If this is the case, you cannot use them as measures as they cannot be turned into numeric values.
Try to use the cast function in the model itself instead of at the report level
Thx for the Reply
By using cast function we r changing string into integer but here we need measure in order to get bubble chart.I tried by taking other dimensions which r numeric(i.e,sales stage order) whose data type is integer.when I pulled this values on X-axis I am Unable to get bubbles on the chart.If I place all measures then I am getting bubbles on the chart.but my requirement is to make string dimension into measure.
so if any one knows solution pls forward me...